On the way to his mother’s funeral, a detective accidentally hits a person with his car. He takes the body with him and puts it into his mother’s coffin. The moment he feels relieved, he receives a call. This caller insists that he saw the detective’s hit-and-run, but instead of asking for money, he wants to know about the body’s whereabouts, leading to a do-or-die showdown of the witness and detective.
A Hard Day subscene subtitles downloadDownload A Hard Day subscene subtitles : Detective Go Geon-soo is having a hard day, and the following events happen to him in less than 24 hours: He receives a divorce notice from his wife. His mother passes away. He and his coworkers are investigated by police inspectors over alleged embezzlement. Then on his way to his mother's funeral, he drives recklessly and commits a fatal hit and run.
Amazon.com: A Hard Day (Korean Movie with English Sub ...To view this video download Flash Player VIDEOS 360° VIEW IMAGES A Hard Day (Korean Movie with English Sub) Lee Sun ... 'A Hard Day' is an entertaining, well paced thriller and is certainly better than the vast majority plot-free world cinema offerings.
A Hard Day Eng Sub (2014) | Watch A Hard Day Online ...A Hard Day - 2014 Detective Gun-Soo (Lee Sun-Kyun) skips out on his mother-in-law's funeral to attend to a crisis at the police station. While driving to the station a man appears out of nowhere and Detective Gun-Soo crashes into him with his car. The man is dead and Detective Gun-Soo panics.
A Hard Day's Night (1964)Streaming & DVD Movies Showtimes & Tickets Videos News A Hard Day's Night (1964) "The Beatles, starring in their first full-length, hilarious, action-packed film!"
A Hard Day's Night | KanopyMeet the Beatles! Just one month after they exploded onto the U.S. scene with their Ed Sullivan Show appearance, John, Paul, George, and Ringo began working on a project that would bring their revolutionary talent to the big...
F This Movie!1960s movies, a hard day's night, beatles movies, exploitation movies, musicals, podcast, rock n roll movies, the beatles, Patrick and JB have had the night of a very hard day and have been working as a dog.
A Hard Day (Korean MovieA scene from the film "A Hard Day" The Korean action thriller "A Hard Day" had drawn more than 3 million moviegoers by last weekend, about a month after its release despite a lackluster opening week. It reached the No. 1 spot at the domestic box office for just two days but has hung on to the No. 2 or 3 spots for most of the past month, despite ...
A Hard Day's NightReleased August 11th, 1964, 'A Hard Day's Night' stars John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr The G movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 28 min, and received a user score of 74 ...
Download A Hard Day (2014) Full MovieDownload A Hard Day (2014) Full Movie. Gohan Movie. Follow. 5 years ago | 2.8K views. ... [Y-STAR] Lee Sunkyun of the movie 'A hard day' interview (영화 [끝까지 간다] 이선균, '촬영 중 갈비뼈 부상 투혼') iHQ. 0:39 [Y-STAR] A movie 'A Hard Day' is a box-office hit. (이선균·조진웅 [끝까지 간다] 300만 돌파 기습 ...
A Hard Day Official US Release Trailer (2015)Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Subscribe to INDIE TRAILERS: http://goo.gl/iPUuo Like us on FACEBO...