人造人間キカイダー (2000) All Seasons

Android Kikaider: The Animation, the anime adaptation of the Japanese superhero Kikaider, was produced by Sony Animation and broadcast on Kids Station from October 16, 2000 to January 8, 2001, with a total of 13 episodes. The anime followed more of the manga, with a darker nature of Jiro's reason to exist. It was followed by the OVA 4-episode sequel called. Kikaider 01: The Animation. An OVA special came with the Kikaider 01 DVD called The boy with the Guitar: Kikaider vs Inazuman which teamed Kikaider with Inazuman, another superhero created by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was based on the manga chapter of Inazuman called The boy with the Guitar.

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